Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Us: Dichotomy

di⋅chot⋅o⋅my [dahy-kot-uh-mee] –noun, plural -mies.
1. a division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs.
2. Jezebel and Cane in perfect, naked duality.....

All images Copyright, 'The Secretive Slut'; 2010

All images Copyright, 'The Secretive Slut'; 2010


  1. again, i love the artistic nature !

    sheesh, you must get tired of my comments !

  2. Hell no! We love you! Edward is such a lucky guy!!!

  3. well i'm glad both of you love me :) i love you guys & your blog too!

  4. very beautiful pics..

    don't agree on the dichotomy though,

    all I see is likeness

  5. Thank you, Lenni. :)

    As for "dichotomy" we are using the word in the sense that we are one unit (a couple) split into two parts (Cane & Jezebel) that form complements to one another. We think we complement one another quite nicely ... but we don't take ourselves that seriously, nor are we super technical.
