Thursday, June 3, 2010

Season 2: The Secretive Slut

Hello darlings ...

Yes, we've been away for a bit. We're both in the midst of attempting to conquer some career goals and dreams ... and that requires focus without distraction. Sex didn't disappear for us, rather, we just couldn't be squarely focused on it or writing extensively about it. I hope you'll forgive us. As we've confessed before, we are snobs when it comes to what we write and photograph. If it isn't up to par we aren't going to post it. Do it right or don't do it at all. And creating great content is time consuming. Therefore, we've maintained radio silence and taken an appropriate blog sabbatical.

I despise the aging process ... and the way it can relegate sex to the "I want it, but I'm too tired" category. What is that about? Cane and I have both fallen into bed a number of times recently in states of desire overwhelmed by fatigue. One particular night had us laughing. He tried to pull a slick move and said "Why don't you crawl on top of me" ... only for me (panicking in my exhaustion) to plead "But I'm too tired to be on top!" He quickly confessed, "Me too!" And then we had to laugh at ourselves. We both want to fuck. We both are too tired to do the work. Lame.

The blog helps us fuel our thoughts during the day ... to keep a little warm ember of arousal going so that bedtime doesn't come and go without anything happening. Got to love that. I think returning to the blog may help us pick our momentum back up. Cheers to that.

Another recent revelation ... I discovered my favorite way to give Cane a blow job. I don't know what took me so long to approach it this way. Laying on my back, I have him straddle my face. From this vantage point, I can lick and suck everywhere ... EVERYTHING. I can use both hands to caress his ass, his legs, his back ... his balls. I can take my tongue from his cock all the way to his tender little asshole. I love feeling him quiver ... hearing him moan ... burying my face in him ... taking his shaft into the back of my throat. It turns me on so violently that I get almost TOO wet.

I highly recommend it. I imagine Cane does, too.

Oh, and Cane also has a snazzy new camera. He's going to be photographing up a storm for you darlings ... as well as making some delicious little films. Yay. It's good to be back.
